Paul went to the city of Athens, the intellectual capital of the world and the political capital of Greece. He proclaims the gospel to four different kinds of people to transform the city. (Acts 17:16-34)
Religious – Traditional: Paul as a Jew, used the opportunity to visit the synagogues on Sabbath day as the Lord Jesus Christ did. As a student of a renowned Jewish Rabbi Gamaliel, he was always welcome and allowed to share from the Old Testament. (Acts 22:23) Hence, Paul went to the synagogue in Athens and preached that the Lord Jesus Christ is indeed the Messiah the Jewish religious people were aspiring for.
Religious – Truth seekers: Generally in the synagogue there were some non-Jewish people, from Gentile backgrounds. They were called God Fearers, who loved the monotheistic faith and moral values of Judaism and attended the Sabbath gatherings. Paul addressed them too, when he spoke to the religious Jewish people. Generally, they were glad to hear the good news which is for all, the Gentile included.
Marketplace people: Apart from Sabbath day, Paul had other six days. As a global trotter, philosopher, and tentmaker; he used to walk around the city, meet people, and have gospel chats with them. He could find commonalities with many because of his language, experience, knowledge, skills, and talents. That helped him to be engaged in personal evangelism. His talks, chats, and sharing spread through the town and reached the intellectuals and the political leaders of the city of Athens.
Intelligentsia: Areopagus was the seat of the government and the intellectuals. The council was dominated by Stoic and Epicurean philosophers. When they heard about the gospel through the gossip channels, they called Paul, gave him the title Babbler, and asked him to present the good news. Paul did not mind being called a Babbler and went to share the gospel in clear words.
Challenge: Paul gives us a strategy to reach out to traditionally religious people like Jews, spiritual seekers like the God Fearers, people in the marketplace, the philosophers or intelligentsia including the political leaders.
What is the strategy for my town?