Disoriented cock

A cock used to crow (cock-a-doodle-do) at different times. It was not during dawn break, which is its natural instinct. The cock was in a multi-floored building, and it could never see the sun. Also, the building was lit twenty-four hours so the clock could not differentiate between day and night. Without a sense of timing and even direction, it behaved strangely.
Lack of sunlight: Without sunlight, the world would be ruined and destroyed. Even before creating humans and other living beings, God created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day of creation. (Genesis 1:14-19) Deprived of the sunlight, the cock got disoriented.
No sense of direction: The cock did not have a sense of direction as it did not know from where the sunrise and then set.
Disoriented and Depressed: The cock was confused, vexed and afraid. It had lost hope that there would be another day. I did not know when this confusion would end.
Light of the world: Lord Jesus Christ is the light of the world. (John 8:12) It is not possible to imagine a world without the sun, and it is impossible to have salvation, redemption, and reconciliation with God without the Lord Jesus Christ. Without him, like the cock, all human beings live in darkness or fake strange light. Being spiritually blind, all live in utter darkness. (II Corinthians 4:4)
Light of the gospel: As the Lord said let there be light, now God makes the light of the gospel sign in the hearts of men and women who open their hearts in faith. (II Corinthians 4:6; Matthew 4:16)
Light of the Word: As the cock lacked a sense of direction, many do not know the way or path to the eternal destination, heaven the presence of God. The Word of God is the lamp to the feet and light to the path of believers. (Psalms 119:105) The Bible helps a person to walk in the path of holiness, righteousness, and truth.
City on the hill: God has called believers to be the light of the world, shining bright like a city on a hill.
Am I a child of light?