Teachers in the school rebuke children saying: “Don’t be stupid.” Apostle Paul as a teacher warns in his letters the readers not to be ignorant, stupid, or foolish.
Ignorance of knowledge of God: Paul writes that God has revealed Himself in His creation. God’s power and attributes are clearly evident. (Romans 1:18-23) Ignorance of truth is no excuse as ignorance of law is no excuse. Ignorance of knowledge of God is unjustifiable. Paul calls the learned philosophers to repent from ignorance. (Acts 17:30) People who create their own gods are ignorant, and sinners.
Ignorance of Spiritual gifts: All those who have received Lord Jesus Christ are bestowed with the Spiritual gifts. (I Corinthians 12:1) No one can acknowledge Lord Jesus as Savior and Lord without the working of the Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 12:3) All believers are called to be witnesses and do ministry. (Acts 1:8) Discerning and discovering the Spiritual gifts is essential for each believer. Using them for the glory of God, edification of people, and growth of the church is a mandate for all believers. Those who are ignorant about their spiritual gifts are like the man who was given one talent and chose to bury it instead of using it. (Matthew 25:14-30)
Ignorance of Second Coming: Believers should be aware of the imminent return of the Lord. (I Thessalonians 4:13) Since the hour is not known, disciples are expected to be ready always. Presuming and predicting dates is strictly forbidden. But spiritual preparation is essential. Blessed are those who are awake and alert when He comes. (Luke 12:37)
Ignorance of Satan’s strategy: Paul warns that Satan can take advantage and distract a believer. (II Corinthians 2:11) As in the Garden of Eden Satan deceives, twists the Word of God, gives strange interpretations, provides the false promise of making the first couple like gods, and portrays God as a joy-killer. (Genesis 3:4-5) Satan distracts a believer from the primary focus of the Kingdom of God, chooses the wrong kind of teachers, doubts God’s goodness, deviates from holiness, discourages, and creates divisions.
Am I an ignorant person or filled and renewed with Wisdom from God?