Geraldine Largay (Gerry) was fascinated by nature and liked to go on hiking. At the age of 66, she chose to walk the Appalachian Trail, the longest in America, which is 2190 miles. On 23 April 2013, she started her journey and wrote daily in her journal. One day, she went into a deeper jungle to relieve herself and lost her way. She texted messages to her husband, but that did not reach him. Without a sense of direction, she desperately roamed around, with no food and no hope, she wrote letters to her family members. On 6th August she tried to send a last text message. She was found dead after two years and two months and 24 days, with a note: When you find my body, please call my husband, George, and my daughter Kerry. ( Many felt that she died while doing what she loved most.
Love for nature: God’s creation is beautiful, attractive, admirable, and awesome. The created world reveals, demonstrates, and proclaims, God’s eternal power and divine nature. (Romans 1:20) Instead of experiencing and enjoying fellowship with God of nature, Gerry just loved and experienced nature. She limited herself to this temporal world, forgetting the eternal world.
Sense of direction: Interestingly, she did not have a sense of direction for her earthly life, as well as life after death. God compares humans to sheep who go astray. (Isaiah 53:6) Going on an adventure trip needs thorough preparation, a strong sense of direction, and tools like maps. Like Gerry, millions are roaming in circles, without stepping onto the right path.
Purpose of life: A headless chicken roams around for a few minutes and then falls dead. Those who do not know Lord Jesus Christ, do not know the purpose of their lives and hence pursue what they want and not what God wants.
Journey of life: Missing the track, is dangerous and destructive. If so, missing the Way to salvation results in the Second death, which is giving company to Satan and his fallen angels. (John 14:6; Revelation 20:14)
Do I walk in the Way of Life?