Wicked people are rich, arrogant, at ease, scoff, speak malice, prosperous, fat, and sleek. Compared with them Asaph felt his righteousness and faithfulness was of no use. Understanding this paradox was a ‘wearisome task’. (Psalms 73) Then he realizes that rich and wicked are in slippery slopes, will fall to ruin. He gloriously concludes: “But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.” (Psalms 73: 28)
Beggar Lazarus, whose name is given by Lord Jesus Christ in the historical case study or parable must have felt like Asaph. Yes, he had faith, so only reached Abraham’s bosom; not that he was poor. Rich man reached hell without faith. (Luke 16:19-31)
The rich man, whose name is not given, ate sumptuously every day. Rich wiped their hands in bread, like the usage of tissue paper and threw it away. His cloth was purple and fine linen. For that beggar Lazarus waited. Probably, he had to fight with dogs to pick those. Dogs came to sick Lazarus and licked his sores.
Poor Lazarus died and escorted by angels to heaven, while rich man died, and was given a decent or luxurious burial ritual. Lord Jesus allows us to peep into eternity. Lazarus is in Abraham’s bosom while, rich man was tormented in hell. His plea for a drop of water was rejected and his concern for living five brothers on the earth was also not answered.
Richman did not live an adulterous, corrupt, or wicked life. The poor man was living just few meters away from him visible from his home. God loves the poor and is offended when His children neglect them. (Proverbs 17:5; 22:9; 22:23; 29:7; 31:8-9) Rich was judged because he neglected to be a steward showing generosity; ignored the poor as if they never existed; sheer indifference; numbed senses and hardened heart. Serving hungry and thirsty, sick, strangers, naked and in prison? (Matthew 25:31-46)
Will I pick up some poor in my vicinity and help?