Faithless and Unfaithful

In closed countries, where the gospel is banned, some believers live under difficult circumstances. Generally, such governments come upon the believers with a heavy hand. Sadly, some believers are weak and could be threatened, harassed, or bribed by the authorities to lead them to other Christians. Those who betray fellow Christians or deny Christ could be termed as Unfaithful or Treacherous Christians. The police and government authorities could be termed as faithless, as they neither know the gospel nor believe in it.

Prophet Jeremiah: During the reign of Josiah, God spoke to the Nation of Judah. The Nation of Israel, who had sinned against God was handed over to Assyrians. As a Nation, they had rejected God and chose idol worship and were punished and carried away as slaves. They are termed as faithless people. In contrast, Judah had known God, frequent revival happened, and temple worship as prescribed by Moses was regularly done. Yet, they forsook God and His commandments. Even after observing the plight of her sister nation of Israel, Judah did not repent. Hence the nation was called an unfaithful or treacherous nation. (Jeremiah 3:6-11)

Faithless today: In the world, millions of people have not heard about Christ. Many have heard about Him but chose not to believe in Him. They could be rationalists or atheists or agnostics. Yet, others choose to follow other religions, sects, or cults or create their own spirituality. Paul writes, that God overlooked their ignorance, but commands them to repent. (Acts 17:30)

Unfaithful today: Sadly, many who profess Christian faith, do not live up to the values of righteousness and priority of the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 6:33) Instead, they compromise with the world for a favor, popularity, comfortable life, safety, power, or position. They have a form of godliness or spirituality but deny the power. (II Timothy 3:5) When they fail to witness, they deny the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are neither the salt of the earth nor the light of the world.

Am I a faithful follower of the Lord Jesus Christ?