Forgiveness Miracle

‘The Face of the Faceless,’ is a movie based on the life of Sr. Rani Marai a nun. She served in the Indore diocese among the tribals, to educate, edify, and empower them. However, her good works were opposed by the privileged caste people. Samandar Singh was instigated with hatred that on 25 February 1995 stabbed to death Sister Rani Maria.
Sin has consequences: After his arrest in connection with the nun’s murder, he was tried and sentenced to prison, where he spent 11 years. During that time, his wife divorced him, and his first son died.
Plot for revenge: Samandar Singh was plotting to take revenge on the person who instigated him to kill Sr. Rani.
Surprise visit: Samandar Singh has a visitor in the prison. Sister Selmi Paul, sister of Sr. Rani came to visit him. She hugged him and called him brother. Samandar was shocked, could not believe it, but was profoundly touched by this act of love. Instead of revenge, and anger, he was given forgiveness and love as gifts. He repented and gave up plans for revenge.
Petition for release: A petition for release was signed by Sr. Rani’s family and endorsed by the Bishop of Indore. When the petition was delayed, a delegation met the governor requesting quick action. The governor said: “Only you Christians can truly forgive.” Eventually, Samandar was released.
Acceptance: Samandar Singh was invited to become part of the family of Sr. Rani and Sr. Selmi. For Samandar Sr. Rani’s family has become his own family. “I regularly visit her tomb,” he said. “For me, it is like a sanctuary of peace and strength.”
Transformation: “In my small way,” Samandar said, “I try to follow her example, helping those who are less fortunate than me, like Tribal Christians and all those who are marginalized.”
Christian spirituality: Lord Jesus Christ taught and demonstrated love and forgiveness. No spirituality of any religion in the world could be compared with the Christian faith. Like a grain of seed, Sr. Maria fell but brought forth multiple seeds. (John 12:24)
Do I forgive and bless others?