There was an interesting meme that showed a man desperately trying to connect to a call center. He was hearing: “Your call is important for us…hold on as long as this call is important for you.” It is a patience-test to call toll-free numbers. Yes, that person holding the line has to weigh options, is it worth holding on for twenty minutes, just waiting? Disappointed, many may cut-off their calls.
Lord Jesus Christ taught the Parable of a Persistent widow who went again and again to an unjust judge seeking justice. It seemed too elusive, it was as if talking to a statue, yet, she wearied the wicked, ungodly, and unrighteous judge. Persistent petitions wearied the haughty man and he was compelled to pronounce Right Sentence of Justice. (Luke 18:1-8) With this Parable, Lord taught the importance of persistent in prayer without losing heart. Sadly, for our generation toll-free calls could make us weary and lose heart; hence the prayers also makes us weary. God’s Will, righteousness, truth, and justice will be established when people of God are persistent in prayers and actions.
Others could give-up as the context for answered prayers seem to be non-existent. Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous, blameless, and obedient couple. They loved the Lord. Yet, they did not have a child, and both were well advanced in years. (Luke 1:6,7) As young couple they have prayed for a child, but when they grew older, the context had changed, answers for prayers were almost impossible. Gradually, they forgot about their prayers and desire for a child. Interestingly, God did not forget their prayers. Angel Gabriel said that their prayers are answered to trouble Zechariah. (Luke 1:13) Yes, John the Baptist was born miraculously.
As fragile humans, we are not persistent in our prayers, and forget what we prayed, for when favorable context for prayers is non-existent. Good news is: God overrules our lack of persistence, forgetfulness, lack of faith and lack of understanding His plan; graciously gives and leads us to victory.
Do I understand God’s heart, intent and plan as I pray?