God is good all the time

It would be hard for a preacher to preach at the funeral service of his wife. Nevertheless, there were Godly and spiritually mature people who could do that. George Muller was one such person, who served the Lord, by taking care of 10024 orphans, distributing 250000 bibles, establishing 117 schools, that offered Christian education to 120000, and preaching the Word of God in 42 nations. His wife Mary Groves died on 6th February 1870 due to rheumatic fever.
Diary Record: He wrote: “39 years and four months ago, the Lord gave me my most valuable, lovely and holy wife. Her value to me, and the blessing God made her to me, is beyond description. This blessing was continued to me till this day, when this afternoon, about 4:00, the Lord took her to Himself.” Muller conducted the funeral service and preached based on the following text: “You are good and do good.” (Psalms 119:68)
Funeral service message: God is good and does good all the time.
1) The Lord was good and did good. In giving her to me. A prudent wife is from the Lord. (Proverbs 19:14) God knew that she would be the ideal partner for him. George Muller was grateful to God for providing a life partner, help meet, and co-worker in the mammoth ministry.
2) The Lord was good and did good, in so long leaving her to me. George Muller cherished the years God gave her to be together as a family and be involved in the ministry. They journeyed together enabled by the good Lord for about four decades. He nourished and cherished her.
3) The Lord was good and did good, in taking her from me. George Muller understood God’s time. He realized the lifetime granted by God for Mary Groves was coming to an end. Trusting God’s love and timing, he was willing to let her go ahead of him to the eternal home. Good God prevented further physical suffering for Mary, and mental agony for George Muller.
Do I discern God’s gift, cherish it, and surrender when time is up?