Unnamed Heroines

Hebrews Chapter eleven is known as the Hall of Faith. In that are five unnamed women of faith: Esther, Ruth, Deborah, Jael, and the Widow of Zarephath. (Hebrew 11:34-36) God records every deed of faith and rewards every deed.

Esther Escaped the Edge of the Sword
Esther, the star was an orphan girl, brought up by Mordecai. When there was an opportunity to be chosen as queen, Mordecai encouraged her to join the contest, which she won and became the queen in Shushan, the capital city of Persia. Haman conspired ethnic cleansing of Jews in all the 127 provinces, and Mordecai nudged her to intervene. (Esther 4:14) Without summon she entered the king’s presence and saved the Jewish community. By faith, Esther “escaped the edge of the sword,”

Ruth, an immigrant of faith
Following Naomi, Ruth immigrated to Israel. Though Naomi lost her husband and two sons, somehow, Ruth saw faith in the true God. She exercised faith in the true God. She was able to get married to Boaz and became an ancestor of King David and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Deborah a Prophetess and Judge
Deborah lived in the days of the Judges and inspired the nation to break free from the bondage of King Jabin and General Sisera. (Judges 4:4,8) Barak wanted Deborah to accompany him in the war, she became a valiant warrior too. (Judges 4:9)

Jael frightened the armies to flee
A contemporary of Deborah and Barak. Sisera the commander fled on foot and entered the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber, the Kenite. Wisely, she allowed him to take shelter, and he fell asleep. After he slept, he pierced his head with a tent peg and hammer. The whole army took flight. (Judges 5:24-27) The distraught army fled.

The Widow of Zarephath received a dead alive
This widow of Zarephath provided food through famine to Elijah who performed a miracle of flour and oil kept replenishing with divine power. Later his son becomes sick, and Elijah carries the boy to his room, prays, and raises him. (I Kings 17:21-23)

Do I have faith like these women?