In one survey, people were asked: What do you like to hear often in your home? Some could not answer immediately, but they thought and gave answers. Three phrases were on top of the list. The three phrases are: ‘I love you’; ‘I forgive you,’ and ‘Supper is ready’. This is what the gospel offers for all who come to the Lord Jesus Christ. Believers are members of God’s family, together we are His house. (Ephesians 2:19-22)
God loves you:
Love transforms life. God is love declares the Bible. (I John 4:8) It is not a sentimental love or powerless love or hopeless love. It is the proactive character of God, that he first loved us, the sinful, fallen human beings. He sent His Son Lord Jesus Christ into this world to die for humanity. (John 3:16) God’s love is sacrificing love, that Son of God suffered humiliation, pain, and death, as wages of sin is death. God’s love could not be fathomed or given dimensions as it breaches all limits and measurements.
God forgives you:
God is willing to reconcile sinners unto Himself through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son Lord Jesus Christ. (II Corinthians 5:18-20) Believers are justified and declared as righteous, not just acquitted. (Romans 8:33) The blood of Christ cleanses us from all sins. The Lord is faithful and just to forgive when a person confesses his/her sins. (I John 1:7,9) Loving God does not compromise with sin, but provides the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world as a substitute. (John 1:29)
Supper of the Lamb:
The Nation of Israel in disbelief wondered if God could spread the Table in the wilderness. God provided them with Manna and miraculously led them for forty years. (Psalms 78:19-20) The Lord’s Table, the believers celebrate by breaking bread and drinking wine, is also God’s provision for our spiritual life in this pilgrimage of life. Blessed are those who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. (Revelation 19:6-9)
Am I glad to be in His Home?