Migrants, Immigrants, Dispossessed people, Diaspora, undocumented people, refugees, strangers, pilgrims…etc., are common terms in today’s media. In fact, the migrants are visible in the media today. Globally, the migrants who travel in boats from poor or distressed or war-torn countries to developed nations, and many perish during voyage. In India, the Covid lockdown made migrants visible by the media, who walked miles to reach their homes.
Missed in Missions: In fact, migrants were generally neglected by the host communities including local churches. Yet, there are some remarkable breakthroughs when someone from the host community reached out to the migrants. Sunil Kapur, of Gujarati Indian origin, who lived in Kenya said: “For over one hundred years we have been living in Kenya. The Church in Kenya did not reach out to us. The Indian Church might have not even known that we existed in this part of the world. Effectively, we were Great Commission Orphans – forgotten by our own people and the host people.”
An Eagle Eye: Eagles have 340-degree vision. And eagles could see rabbits two miles away during their flight. Mission leaders should have such an eagle vision to discern and discover unreached or unengaged people. Sadly, people who are in the vicinity, approachable, and even ready are missed by missions as they lack the Eagle Vision.
Strategic importance: The diaspora/migrant/immigrant community is always an open community. They are open to changes, especially in the initial years. A new environment gives them opportunities to adapt and change. They aspire for a better life. Spiritual life in Christ fulfills their aspirations of a better or nobler life. In the initial months of migration, they are not bound by the structure and strictures of the traditions of their own society. Hence, they are free to make decisions for Christ. If they are not offered the Gospel early, they will retrench and transplant their traditional religions in the land of hosts. Hindu temples, Buddhist worship places, Muslim mosques, and Sikh gurudwaras in the USA and other parts of the world are evidence of such trends.
Do I have eagle eye vision?