June 2023

Awake in prayer

One person was very excited to share that whenever he starts praying he goes to sleep. He quoted Psalms saying that God gives his beloved good sleep. (Psalms 127:2) So, he claimed he was beloved of the Lord. Sadly, he neither understood prayer, nor sleep. Garden of Gethsemane: Lord Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry

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Be perfect

The life of Steve Jobs has been written by Walter Isaacson. He is considered as one of the great innovators who integrated creativity and technology; an ultimate icon of sustained innovation. All his products were considered perfect. Steve Job’s father taught him to craft the backs of cabinets and fences properly even though they were

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Song of Well

God delivered Israel from Egyptian slavery and led them towards the Promised Land. The Israelite crossed Arnon River, that is the Modern Wadi al Mujib in Jordan, on the east of the Dead Sea. Arnon River was the boundary between Moabite and Amorite territory. There, the Lord commanded Moses to gather the people together so

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Sinful altars

One woman and her illicit lover hatched a plan and killed two minor children, a boy, and a girl. The lover wanted the woman to prove her real love by killing her minor children. Sadly, today people have created many altars for sinning. “Because Ephraim has multiplied altars for sinning, they have become to him

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Grand exchange offer!

Lord Jesus Christ invited people to have a grand exchange offer. All those who are heavily laden with sin, sorrow, worries, sickness, inferiority complex, addiction, fears…to come to Him, and take his yoke which is easy, burden which is light. (Matthew 11:28) Pharisees extracted 613 rules and regulations from the Books of Law of Moses,

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