Honourable Naaman was a powerful army commander in the Syrian army. Syria had fought against Israel during the days of Ahab and Jehoshaphat and won. (I Kings 22:35-36) However, he had leprosy that was not curable. God used simple people in his life to teach humility and true God. (II Kings 5:1-14)
1. A Slave messenger: A slave girl, captured during war from Israel was serving the household of Naaman. The physician’s report was scary for his wife. They could not share with relatives, friends, neighbours or colleagues. Many were happy to exile Naaman outside the city and take possession of property, possessions and position. In that context, the faithful believer girl shared to Naaman’s wife that the living God in Israel could heal him if he goes to Israel. The slave girl had all reasons to be angry as Naaman was responsible for the plight of her, family, and nation. Yet she was benevolent and forgiving. She was a wonderful instrument of God. Desperate and proud, Naaman believed her message and chose a diplomatic channel to go to Israel with a letter from the King of Syria to the King of Israel.
2. A Servant messenger: When Naaman reached the King of Israel, reading the letter, tore his clothes. He did not have the power to heal nor the capacity to dictate Elisha to perform a miracle. Elisha summoned Naaman to come to him through the King of Israel. Naaman expected Elisha to come, touch and heal him. However, he sent Gehazi to tell him to go and dip himself seven times in the Jordan river.
3. Servant managers: Naaman was upset Elisha did not meet him personally and gave instructions that were not at all great. He reasoned there were better rivers in Syria, so why should he dip in Jordan? Wise servants are a blessing. They persuaded and managed to pacify the inflated ego of Naaman and perform a simple, easy, doable, and uncomplicated task. Naaman was miraculously healed.
Haughty Naaman was humbled by the Lord and was healed and acknowledged by the true God.
Am I humble to receive His blessings?