The Book of Nehemiah is a great resource book for spiritual growth, prayer, leadership, mobilization, and worship. Nehemiah was not a priest but was serving the king as a cupbearer or personal chef. His amazing life and his achievement in building the Walls around Jerusalem in 52 days, which was in ruins for nearly 150 years, in a hostile environment unparalleled in history. (Nehemiah 6:15)
Prayer: When Nehemiah heard the plight of Jerusalem from his relative Hanani, he was sad, concerned, and burdened. The information became a burden, the burden became prayers for four months and gracious God answered his prayers. (Nehemiah 1:4-6) Nehemiah prayed from various places including in the presence of the king.
Providence and purpose: God works through political rulers to fulfill His purposes. (Nehemiah 2:8) Sovereign God has absolute authority over all affairs of humans. He could turn the hearts of rulers to do His will and fulfill His purpose. (Proverbs 21:1)
Protection: God protects His people, and they need not be afraid. (Nehemiah 4:14) But God does not compromise with sin. When His people sin; they are warned, rebuked, chastised, and punished to bring them to repentance. If the rebellion continues, God will also judge.
Promises: God is merciful and faithful to fulfill His promises even when people are not faithful. (Nehemiah 9:32-35) God’s plan, purposes, and promises will be executed according to His good pleasure. Human sins, rebellion, and faithlessness cannot nullify either his plan or his faithfulness.
Praises, Worship, Giving: God’s people are called to praise, worship, and willingly give resources for His glory. (Nehemiah 10:32-39) Nehemiah praised God and expressed his worship through his passion for the Lord, and willingness to sacrifice his position and give for the Lord.
Prevention worldliness: God’s people should be watchful against moral weakness and should not follow the trends or traditions. (Nehemiah 13) God’s people are called to lead a holy life. That does not mean Christians should be isolated and insulated. They ought to be salt and light in the society. Instead of being influenced by the world, they ought to influence and transform the world.
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