Interesting Prayer!

There was a missionary who worked in a remote village. He had a good relationship with all the villagers. He used to invite all to the Sunday worship and other events he organized. There was an aged man who was an alcoholic who did not bother to go the church. After many years, intending to honor the missionary, he went to the church service. To make sure, the missionary had noticed him, he went forward after the service to greet him. He prayed for him knowing his condition as a miserable alcoholic. “Lord as you changed water into wine, so you change his wine into water and deliver him.” However, he did not know the first miracle of Lord Jesus, turning water into wine. (John 2:1-10)
New miracle: The next day, as usual, he went to the bar and consumed his regular glass of alcohol. He did not feel any ‘kick’. He ordered one more, and the same result. The third time he ordered and drank. Furious, he shouted to the bar manager, “This is like water, no effect.” He politely said that for decades they had served him and would not cheat in any way.
New creation: Then he remembered the prayer done by the missionary regarding water and wine. He went back to the missionary, expressed his gratitude for deliverance from alcohol, and became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
New method: God draws people to Himself in different ways, that are beyond any imagination. Though the person did not respond to the invitation for decades, when he went Lord received him. The missionary became a channel of blessing. His simple prayer transformed a person. His labor of love and persistence was rewarded. The alcoholic experienced God’s power and was delivered.
New Vision: All believers should have a new vision, to pursue people who do not respond immediately. They should pray as led by the Spirit of God. God, in His Sovereignty, will do mighty and marvelous things in unexpected ways.
Am I an instrument of righteousness in the hands of God?