Leaders and Managers

A Manager asked his leader: “Do you know…Act of the government. We must submit documents every year by 31 December?” The Leader answered: “I know only one Act, i.e., Acts of Apostles. As an administrator take care of all those things, I will focus on studying scripture, prayer, teaching the Word of God, mentoring leaders, training people, and strategically leading the organization.” It was indeed a wise reply. The Apostles also wisely detached themselves from the daily administration to focus on the leadership duties of leading, guiding, and pursuing the vision. “Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. But we will devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:3-4)

Spiritual Gift: Administration is one of the spiritual gifts, largely ignored. (I Corinthians 12:28; Romans 12:8) It is a gift to organize people, and resources and create a structure to accomplish the goals of an organization. Administrators help the organization, institution, or local church function effectively. There are a few leaders who have the gift of administration, but most leaders do not.

Call: It is a definite call for the ministry. God wishes the Kingdom work to be done effectively and efficiently by the gifts of an administrator. The call and gift is for His Kingdom and Glory. When administrators are not content with the call, try to become leaders, it is a dangerous trap of Satan.

Three dangers: First, some administrators try to overstep the leaders. David had Joab as his administrator, secretary, and commander-in-chief. David wanted to make peace with Abner, but without the knowledge of David, Joab killed him. David laments that Joab is too strong, and God will punish the evil-doer. (II Samuel 3:39) Second, some administrators manipulate leaders to do unrighteous things. Haman conspired an ethnic cleansing of Israel. Third, some like to replace their leaders, as Zimri killed his master Elah and committed suicide within seven days. (I Kings 16)

Do I recognize my call and discern my gift?