Psychologists have a long list of anger: Passive anger, Volatile anger, Fear-based anger, Frustration-based anger, Pain-based anger, Chronic anger, Manipulative anger, overwhelmed anger, Physiological anger, and Righteous anger. Moses had to deal with anger throughout his life. There are three occasions in his life when he was angry.
Righteous anger: The Hebrews were slaves in Egypt. Moses could not just remain as a spectator when injustice was meted out to the Israelites. On one occasion he killed an Egyptian, who was unjustly oppressing a Hebrew. In his anger, he killed him. (Exodus 2:11-12) Anger alone cannot produce the righteousness of God. (James 1:19-20) Sadly, Moses therefore had to live in exile for forty years. He could neither save Israel nor save himself from Egyptian law and political elite.
Responsive or reactive anger: Moses was in the presence of God at Mount Sinai for forty days and forty nights fasting. He received the Ten Commandments. Then taking Joshua along with him, who was waiting came down to the foothill. Lord already told him that Israel had sinned by making an idol of gold and worshiping it. Seeing the unrestrained immorality of Israel around the idol, Moses in anger broke the tablets. (Exodus 32:19)
Rebellious anger: God commanded Moses to speak to the rock so that water flowed. Instead in anger, Moses beat the rock twice. (Numbers 20:10-11) As a consequence, he was exiled or prohibited from entering the Promised Land. Earlier it was self-exiled from Egypt, not banned from the Promised Land.
Managing anger: Paul gives three principles: “In your anger do not sin”: “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry and give no opportunity to the devil.” (Ephesians 4:26-27) First, it is possible to get angry for right and righteous reasons. Second, but in the mood of anger, should not involve ruthlessness, violence, or abusive behavior. Third, the anger should cool down, when the sun goes down. No harboring or brooding of anger that will become bitterness or resentment.
Do I restrain, control, and channel anger for constructive purposes?