Neglected Hospitality

Hospitality is one of the strategic ministries, yet often neglected ministry. The Bible warns against this neglect, as by showing hospitality to strangers, saints of God have entertained the angels. (Hebrews 13:2)
Command: For Christians, hospitality is a command. (Romans 12:13) It is not a suggestion or one of the spiritual gifts. The gift of serving is different from hospitality. (Romans 12:6-8; I Peter 4:11)
Care: Hospitality is to share and care, which is loving neighbors as self. Taking care of others is always a self-sacrifice that helps a person to move away from selfishness. Showing care helps a person to be sensitive, mindful, and thoughtful about others.
Commission: Hospitality helps in fulfilling the Great Commission. Aquila and Priscilla heard Apollos preach in the synagogue. He knew the baptism of John but did not know about Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah. The couple invited him, showed him hospitality and Apollos became a great apostle. (Acts 18:24-26) In fact, Apollos led many to the Lord, who were part of the church in the city of Corinth.
Cost: Hospitality is related to sacrifice. Sharing with others is to sacrifice some privileges of a person. It could be time, words, food, skills, knowledge, and resources.
Call: All disciples are called to be witnesses. (Acts 1:8) Generous hospitality is a great way to witness for Lord Jesus Christ. Christian families could make Sundays an intentional mission of hospitality. Inviting new believers to build them up or those who know the Lord to receive the gospel.
Character: Hospitality builds the character of a person. First, it is self-sacrifice that helps a person to look at others with an attitude to help. Second, the discipline of sharing, helps a person to be content and develop a surplus mentality to help others. Third, accepting and loving people who are different in caste, language, nationality, religion, education, and income. Four, Involving the whole family in this mission helps the family to be united, and the joy of serving others. Five, practicing hospitality is making the Kingdom of God the priority.
Do I practice hospitality as a call, discipline, and mission?