Strategic Mission Plan for a Local Church

Mission is the priority of the Global church which is evident as the local churches are involved in local evangelism and global mission endeavors. Local churches like the Antioch church should seek the Lord for guidance to be involved in the mission. (Acts 13:1-2) Small or big, all churches should be engaged in missions.
Dream/Vision: Any local church should dream or have the vision to make disciples in their locality (Jerusalem), state or province (Judea), Samaria (neighboring nation), and the uttermost part of the world (global). (Acts 1:8)
Discern God’s Will: The mission is God’s initiative and enterprise. Local churches ought to do the part assigned in the historical, geographical, social, and linguistic context. God gives the direction for mission endeavors.
Discover people: God helped Moses to identify Bezalel and Oholiab to contribute to the Tabernacle; and Barnabas and Paul for their mission to the Roman Empire. (Exodus 31:1; Acts 13:1) God prepares the hearts and minds of people to be available and bestows them with talents, gifts, skills, and abilities.
Develop: The chosen people need training or do some research to do effective ministry. There are people with ministry Expertise who could be consulted.
Determine outcome: The local church should have a long-term plan and focus. By engaging in missions, what kind of outcome do the leaders expect? Planting daughter churches, starting institutions, publishing, networking, future administration…etc.
Designate funds: A mission always needs a budget. Local churches must be disciplined in their financial commitments. Can 20 percent of the church budget be earmarked for missions? In addition, the church could take special projects. There are instances when the mission station was started with great enthusiasm and closed within a few months for lack of funds.
Deploy Missionaries: Sending out missionaries is an act, that the whole church should be involved. It should be a ceremony of celebration, consecration not only of missionaries but of the whole church, and dedication.
Design Processes: The local church should design a mission methodology that is relevant, contextual, and effective. Also, there is a need for a structure for monitoring and mentoring missionaries consistently.
How is my local church today?