One annoyed Christian mocked with a caption in his Facebook post: A prophet and a dog share pulpit. It was in response to a self-proclaimed prophet who made his Facebook status with a picture of him with his dog on the dais in a spiritual conference. Another also was rebuked for Facebook post; celebrating Holy Communion in his home during Corona Lockdown, where his pet dog also was seated (though communion elements were not served to dog.) As we face controversy with lap dogs and pet dogs, Ezekiel courageously and righteously called ‘false prophets’ as ‘jackals.’
During the time of Ezekiel, the Nation of Israel have hit rock bottom in morality, spirituality, and righteousness. God’s wrath was manifested, and the nation was judged by sword, famine, beasts and plague. (Ezekiel 14: 21) Yet, there were so called prophets who did not know God, His will, His righteousness, His Law and His wrath continued to prophecy ‘Peace’. (Ezekiel 13:10) Instead of rebuking the Nation and urging them to repent, false prophets declared prosperity and peace.
And God compared these prophets to jackals amid ruins. In fact, jackals are more comfortable in ruins rather than in normal buildings. “Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals among ruins.” (Ezekiel 13:4) Yes, false prophets are comfortable in ruins and ignore the need for rebuilding of walls like Nehemiah. Instead of repairing and restoring the broken walls and breaches in the walls, they enjoyed the situation to express false prophecies. In November 2020 rain waters flooded 5000 homes in Chennai city, because the wall built for regulating water was broken and breached. The city authorities failed to build the wall properly or did not restore the wall well before rains. In the similar way, false prophets let ‘disaster and destruction’ upon gullible people.
Are not today’s prosperity preachers like ‘jackal’ prophets in Ezekiel’s time?