There are many witnesses like a cloud who have gone ahead in the spiritual journey. (Hebrews 12:1) Learning from them or reading their biographies enriches the believers. “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” (Hebrews 13:7) The leaders who were responsible for us to know the Lord, who equipped and edified us in the word, challenged us by their lifestyle and commitment should be remembered and imitated. Some leaders could be serving in a local context (like a Sunday School teacher, bible study leader, youth leader, bible woman…etc), and some may serve in a global context with extensive influence. Here are some of the leaders who have gone to be with the Lord and served in the recent past in India.
Sam Kamalesan: God enabled him to preach and teach the Word profoundly well. He developed a skill to explain difficult thoughts in a simple language that a child could understand. Always he exalted Christ and emphasized the Lordship of Christ.
Theodore Williams: All his preaching and teaching were strongly anchored in the Word of God. God’s heart for missions is in the Scripture, which was well expounded to many by his speeches and writings.
Siga Arles: Intellectual integrity for his strength. He taught Christians to be rational beings and relational beings. Many pastors, leaders, and social workers were inspired by his intellectual ability, memory power, and simple lifestyle.
Rajendran: Creativity and innovation were his buzzwords. He encouraged new methodologies and strategies for the mission. Always gave freedom to his co-workers to experiment with new ideas. Encouraged youngsters to take up challenging responsibilities in missions.
Patrick Joshua: Like Praying Hyde, he was a man of prayer. He slept less, ate less, and spent a major junk of his time praying, exhorting others to pray. An able administrator who accomplished much by prayers and a simple lifestyle. He also mobilized a generation of Christians to pray for the nation and the world.
Who are my leaders whom I should imitate?