One political leader from Madhya Pradesh, India wants to win elections and optimally uses all help. There is a fakir who offers blessings by smacking with slippers on the head and cheeks. People go to him to receive blessings. This person went with a pair of new slippers and received slipper blessings, to ward off evil and win in elections. (NDTV, 18 November 2023) However, the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are blessed immensely with Spiritual blessings. (Ephesians 1:1-14) God does not humiliate us to bless us but grants us dignity and honor.
Chosen: God has chosen us before the foundation of the world. That means God knew that the first couple would fall, Messiah would be sent to redeem humanity, and those who would respond to the gospel in faith. God has given us the free will to make choices, and spiritually wise decisions for Lord Jesus Christ.
Adopted Children: Those who receive the Lord Jesus Christ are the children of living God and are adopted to God’s family. No cosmic orphans or abandoned but adopted into God’s family. Disciples are accepted, honored, esteemed, and provided dignity in the family of God. They are living stones in the spiritual building or valued members of the Body of Christ. (I Peter 2:5; I Corinthians 12:12-27)
Purchased: The disciples are forgiven in Christ as He has shed His blood and purchased for a price. (I Corinthians 6:20) They are no more slaves of the world, sin, and Satan. They enjoy freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mystery unveiled: God has graciously revealed through His Son, His Word, and His Spirit the mysteries of the gospel. The truth could be received in faith. God’s will and purpose for believers are also revealed.
Inheritance: God has provided and guaranteed eternal inheritance as destined to spend eternity with Him.
Sealed: The believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit. Seal is the authority, authenticity, and declaration that disciples belong to Him. The seal provides security against Satan’s designs and guarantees eternal life with Him in heaven.
How grateful I am for this spiritual blessing?