One church has this WWW as their theme in their logo: Word, Worship, and Witness. Yes, it beautifully summarizes the purpose of the local expression of the Body of Christ.
Word: The church is the pillar of truth. (I Timothy 3:15) In ancient buildings, there was one central pillar that supported the whole building. The Word of God ought to be studied, understood, and applied by believers in their personal lives, and family lives and live out the biblical truth in the society. Such people of God would be noble, righteous, and truthful like the Berean believers. (Acts 17:11) Word-based worldview, received by the renewal of mind, transforms the lives of individuals, communities, and nations. (Romans 12:2) Preach the Word, and Proclaim the Truth within the church and to the world.
Worship: The local church is the called-out community of believers who worship the Lord. God is Holy, worthy of all praise, honor, and worship. Worship involves the whole being: body, soul, and spirit. Also, worship is not limited to certain places or hours. In fact, for believers’ worship is a lifestyle. Whatever they do, they do it unto the Lord. Their deeds are like light to the world, the salt of the earth that provokes non-Christians to honor the heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:15-17) Worship disconnected from the Word could become idol worship as Aaron led people to sin. (Exodus 32) Worship includes giving offerings to the Lord. Holy Communion – breaking of bread is part of worship as in the days of the Apostles. (Acts 2:42-47)
Witness: Intensely burning lamp would give light to a farther distance. John the Baptist was a burning and shining light. (John 5:25) His piety, holiness, boldness, and teaching attracted the masses to hear him in the wilderness. The local church is like a city on a hill. (Matthew 5:14) Believers empowered by the Holy Spirit are expected to be holy witnesses for the Lord in their homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces. A witnessing church sends out missionaries to other unreached places as the church of Antioch did. (Acts 13:1-2)
Do I receive the Word, have a Worship lifestyle, and live as His Witness?