In a village in the state of Haryana, India, a Christmas programme was held in December 2021. There were five families who have become followers of Lord Jesus Christ in the past five years. A milkman who supplies milk to a dozen homes has observed the growth and progress of families. He spoke to one of the guests who came for the Christmas program. “I know these families. I have been supplying milk all these years. When compared with others to whom I supply milk, these five families have progressed a lot. They have become good and noble.” Though he belonged to another religion, he could witness the remarkable changes the gospel had brought to these five families. He shared some of his observations.
Cleanliness: Their houses used to be untidy, unclean, and dirty. They changed their home and the surroundings of their home are so clean.
House: The house looked tardy, the walls dirty and the roof unattended. Now, their roof has changed, and the floors are paved. It has a pleasing look.
No fights: Earlier the men used to drink, and there would always be a fight between husband and wife. Now, there is joy, smiling, and laughter.
Children school: Children go to school on time. Their uniforms are washed. Also, they do well in school and get good marks.
Manners: Earlier even children used to address the milkman without respect or dignity using words like ‘hey.’ Now, they respect all and address them as uncle or aunty.
Knowledgeable: All these families have become knowledgeable. Probably, they learn all these new things in the church.
Glorify heavenly father: The disciples of the Lord are the light of the world and salt of the earth. Their deeds are distinct, different, good, and far better than others. Hence, those who observe them like the milkman glorify the Heavenly Father. True disciples provoke non-Christians to be in awe of the Heavenly Father and worship Him. (Matthew 5:13-16)
New Creature: How true that those who are in Lord Jesus Christ are a New Creation. Old becomes history and passes away. (II Corinthians 5:17)
Do I provoke others to glorify my Heavenly Father?