Violence Vs arguments

Someone said, civilization began when one man instead of hurling stones, hurled abuses. His anger and aggression were not violent but expressed. Words are based on reason; however, violence is an expression of power, most times corrupted power. Dictators ruthlessly silence the dissenters by threat, imprisonment, physical harm, or death. In a civilized society, speaking, arguing, reasoning, persuading, teaching, and instructing are all norms. This is done by recognizing the rights of people, the Freedom of expression. However, in Delhi’s Tis Hazari court, two groups of lawyers clashed, and even gunshots were heard. (Hindustan Times 5 July 2023) The lawyers were to defend their clients by arguments, not settle scores with guns.
Courts: The courts are places where people come to get their complaints addressed. Justice is pronounced based on evidence, statements of witnesses, and arguments of lawyers. The lawyers have an important role in arguing a case before the judge so that justice is done. Nevertheless, some lawyers defend the criminal and set him free by arguments or exposing loopholes in the law.
Justice: God loves justice and righteousness, and should flow as a river. (Amos 5:24) However, many times judgments have become wormwood or poisonous drink. Justice is delayed, deprived, and denied for many.
Lawlessness: When there is a gunfight between lawyers instead of arguments in court, there is no justice, just lawlessness. Instead of trusting the judicial process and justice system, these lawyers take the law into their own hands. Sin is lawlessness. (I John 3:4) There is a deterioration in the values of society, when violence happens in the courts, a place of justice.
Mockery: When lawyers do not respect the law or the judicial process, a witness also need not do so. A worthless witness mocks at justice. (Proverbs 19:28) A false witness is a worthless witness that is forbidden in the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20:16)
Learn Righteousness: Prophet Isaiah summoned Israel: “Learn to do good;
seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” (Isaiah 1:17) Prophet Micah summarizes the requirements of God: to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly before the Lord. (Micah 6:8)
Do I seek to bring justice to all?