April 2023

Prayer Competition

Lord taught an interesting parable of two people who were involved in a prayer competition. (Luke 18:9-14) One was a Pharisee, who thought he was competing to be heard by the Lord, against the prayer of a tax collector. Superiority complex: Some people trust themselves as righteous rather than trusting God, and also despise others.

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A widow wins!

The purpose of this parable of the Persistent widow is to impress upon disciples that they should not lose heart in prayer. (Luke 18:1-8) The widow did not give up, the judge was fed up. She wins and the judge accepts his defeat. Appointed judge: The judge mentioned could have been appointed by Herod or

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Great requirement

Often there is a reminder about the Great Commission and Great Commandment. The Great Commission is to go and make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:18-20) Disciples are called to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love their neighbor as themselves. (Matthew 22: 36-40) However, there is a Great

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Advice shopping?

Free advice shopping is cheap and easy by using Google Search or other search engines on the World Wide Web. From mundane issues to complicated problems, there seem to be ready answers. However, there is always a danger of ‘shopping’ for advice or counsel. Rehoboam: As the successor of Solomon, Rehoboam should have been intelligent

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Chepang people transformed

Wherever the Gospel is preached around the world, there is fruitfulness. (Colossians 1:6) God’s word transforms people, their families, communities, economy, society, and nation. Compelled by love People live in various places, some in places considered remote. It could be deserts, wilderness, mountains, islands…etc. The love of the Lord Jesus Christ compels his disciples to

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With us in life journey

Cleopas and an unnamed disciple were walking on Emmaus Road. They were accompanied by the Risen Saviour. Sadly, the disciples did not recognize him and thought he was an uninformed stranger. They shared about the current events regarding the crucifixion and unbelievable resurrection of Lord Jesus, which happened in Jerusalem. (Luke 24:13-35) Lord rebuked them

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