Christ and Communication

God spoke to the world through his Son, the ultimate revelation. (Hebrews 11:2)
1) Incarnation: Apostle John clearly writes that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) Incarnation is God’s way of making himself visible, experienceable, touchable in human context.
2) Inauguration: Lord Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God by reading out the Nazareth Manifesto. (Luke 4)
3) Invitation: Lord invited people to come, stay with him and see for themselves. (John 1:38-39)
4) Instruction: A major chunk of time of Lord Jesus was spent on teaching, action (doing) and parables.
5) Interpretation: Lord Jesus interpreted the Law of Moses as the Sermon on the Mount, bringing to focus the spirit of the Law and apply in all contexts. Lord countered the Pharisees and Sadducees their inadequate righteousness and understanding of the Scripture.
6) Intervention: Lord Jesus intervened in the lives of people, as individuals or as communities like raising dead, healing blind, paralyzed, lepers…etc.
7) Impression: Children were impressed with the Lord, probably his smile and kindness, which attracted them. His disciple tried to stop the children; Lord rebuked the disciples.
8) Involvement: Lord Jesus was present with His disciples at a wedding in Cana. He went to comfort the grieving family of Martha and Mary when Lazarus died. (John 2; 11)
9) Information: Lord shared information about heaven, His Father’s palace or mansions. (John 14:1-3)
10) Interview: Lord was available to have personal discussion with Nicodemus, a religious leader and member of Jewish Sanhedrin. (John 3)
11) Interrogation: Lord communicated with his disciples by asking them questions. “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:13,15)
12) Impact: Lord Jesus demonstrated serving his disciples by washing their feet.
13) Invest: Lord invested in the lives of the disciples. (John 17:26)
14) Intercede: Lord interceded for those who crucified Him, seeking their forgiveness.
15) Impart: After resurrection, he breathed on them the Holy Spirit. (John 20:22)
Do I learn from the meek Lord every day?