There are daily spiritual experiences reported by a so-called prophet. He claims to have tea with God in heaven, sometimes lunch with him…etc. That false prophet is a frequent flier to heaven. Apostle Paul had a great experience of visiting the third heaven. First heaven is atmosphere, second is space, and third is where God dwells. But Paul did not open his mouth regarding this supernatural experience for fourteen years. Instead, Paul writes he gladly boasts about his weakness and even delights in that. (II Corinthians 12:1,9,10)
Boast and delight: Paul gives a counter-cultural perspective of boasting and delighting in adversities as God’s grace and power are manifested in weaknesses, pain, suffering, failures, and defeats.
Weakness: According to Paul, the thorn in the flesh was given, i.e., a gift from God. Satan took advantage of that and made Paul physically weak, mentally upset, spiritually discouraged, and emotionally rejected. His fervent plea, made three times, was answered by God differently. There was neither removal of thorn nor healing. Instead, God gave a promise that His grace would be sufficient, and His power would be manifest through Paul’s weakness.
Insults: Because of the thorn in the flesh, he was insulted, which he gladly accepted. Some scholars state that he had an eye problem, so people mocked him as blind or half-blind. The believers in the city of Galatia were willing to donate their eyes for Paul. (Galatians 4:15)
Hardships: Paul delightfully accepted hardships, perhaps due to the thorn in the flesh. He could have endured pain, loss of strength and stamina, and hindrances in performing his routines. Of course, he had other hardships like being imprisoned, shipwrecked, whipped, hunger, homelessness…etc.
Persecutions: Paul delightfully endured persecution. The people would have mocked him as he could pray, and the sick were healed but could not heal himself.
Difficulties: Paul’s thorn in the flesh could have been disability due to blindness or some other physical inadequacy. It took longer time to fulfill his routine and hindered effective results in ministry.
Do I have the spiritual maturity to boast and delight in adversities?