Donkey flights

Some people wish to leave their own country due to poverty or war and settle in another country. However, they cannot migrate directly. Hence some migrants, use the technique known as ‘donkey flights’, where individuals transit through third countries with lenient travel document requirements to reach their final destinations like the USA, Canada, or the UK. An Airbus A340 was grounded by French authorities who suspected human trafficking carrying about 300 passengers including minors, was flying from Dubai to Nicaragua and stopped for refueling in France. The migrants wanted to enter illegally into the USA. (NDTV, 25 December 2023)
Dreamland: In the world, people consider some countries or cities as paradise or heaven. Some desire to at least them once in their life, others wish to get settled there. Those who could afford to take the legal method to reach their goals. Others are desperate and use illegal methods to reach their destination. Even such dream lands are not perfect, sometimes just better than other places. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were looking forward to a city, that was designed and built by God, the Heaven. (Hebrews 11:10) A Christian’s dreamland is to live with the creator God, Son, Holy Spirit, and angels in the eternal city.
Parable of the pearl of great price: Lord Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is like a pearl of great price, when a man found it, sold it, and bought it. (Matthew 13:45-46) Sadly, these migrants took the donkey flight, sold everything they had, and purchased their tickets to reach the dreamland, which became a miserable shattered dream. Instead of seeking and investing in eternal things, they wasted their money in a futile attempt.
Call and contentment: God chooses a place, context, and time for everyone. God allows people to migrate for a purpose. God took the Jews as captives or slaves to Babylon, for punishment as well as refinement. (Jeremiah 29:7) Being in any place without God’s call and purpose would be hell on earth. Godliness with contentment is a great gain.
Am I pursuing vanity dreams or eternal vision?