Most festivals have feasts as an ingredient part. All celebrations are complete only with good food. Even some mourning events are concluded with a feast, so that the affected may be no sadder. Some mismanagement or fights during feasts could end up in bad taste. But David says: “You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.” (Psalms 4:8) His gladness was not limited only during the festival and feast times; it was a permanent feature in his life.
Kingdom of God: Paul writes that the Kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking, which means feasting. The worldly kingdom will have that as a priority as ancient kings celebrated feasts that lasted even for six months. (Esther 1:4-5) First, it is righteousness that has been granted by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to stand before the Holy God. This righteous status inspires a person to lead a Holy and righteous life. They are accepted by God and approved by people as they have the right priorities. Second, this assurance of salvation, status before God gives peace to the believer. It is not doubt or guilt conscience or confusion that reigns in the mind, but peace that is beyond human understanding. Third, as a natural result of righteousness and peace, there is joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17-20)
Gladness in heart: David had many upheavals in his life. Yet, he enjoyed gladness in his heart. Unlike ungodly people whose joy is limited to celebration, food, and wine, Godly David has joy in His heart always. That is a great gift from God to David and all believers. Paul could boldly say from prison to the believers in the city of Philippi: Rejoice Always! (Philippians 4:4)
Sleep and safety: God’s face lights on David for good. Because of this gladness, he enjoys sweet and deep sleep. His tossing on his bed was rare. The assurance of God’s protection and joy in his heart helped him to sleep well. (Psalms 4:7-9) The Lord who cares for us neither slumbers nor sleeps. (Psalms 121:4)
Do I have great gladness?