In the Covid 19 pandemic, many people died. It is sad to see many youngsters losing their battle against this strange virus. Many Christians are confused when they hear about young pastors, church planters, social workers, doctors and nurses dying in their prime of life. Did not Lord promise to satisfy with long life? (Psalms 91:16) Honoring parents also promises long life. (Exodus 20:12) Promises of God are not stand-alone unconditional statements.
1) God’s attributes: God has absolute Sovereign Authority and control over all human beings, nations, and universe. A bird cannot fall without His knowledge. (Matthew 10:29) God is perfect and all he does is justice and righteousness. (Psalms 89:14) God is love and good. (I John 4:8; Luke18 :19) God cannot make mistakes or get delayed.
2) Long-life: God created sun and moon for humans to know the time, seasons, and years. God is beyond time. Peter writes that one day is like one thousand years and vice versa. (II Peter 3:8) Long life means enough length of time for which God has placed us on this earth. John the Baptist, greatest of all born of woman lived less than 35 years. (Matthew 11:11)
3) Purpose of God: All promises are connected with God’s purpose or plan for this world, history of humanity and individual Christians. John the Baptist life was limited to prepare the way of the Lord; James the Apostle lived until he was beheaded by Herod; Jonathan made covenant with David and affirmed him as future king, died along with his father King Saul. They left the earth when their task assigned by God was complete.
4) Desire to live: All humans love to live a long life, but with what intention? Desires vary- children’s marriage, seeing grandchildren, building house…etc. Right motive is to live is Christ – His plan, purpose, and glory. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)
Do I desire life to glorify God?