George Verwer founder of Operation Mobilization advised young people in his book: Messiology: “Learn and practice to use your time more productively. Less watching and more action needs to be your motto. Beware of the television trap, game trap and the endless chit-chat trap.” Bible exhorts: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1)
1) Productivity goal: To play football or field hockey without goal posts. It would be waste of time. Life of purpose has productivity goals. (II Peter 1:8) Let us not build with hay and inflammable stuff that do not stand judgement. (I Corinthians 3:12)
2) Less watching, more action: In previous generation there was a slogan: “Speak less, work more.” Now it is: “Watch less, Work more.” People are consuming numerous videos rather than thinking, reflecting and doing.
3) Screen trap: Youngsters today are termed as ‘screenagers’ as they are attached to screens almost all waking hours. Glued to smart phone every waking minute is dangerous.
4) Game trap: Screenagers also have endless opportunities to play games with their smart phones. It is also possible to play games being in different locations using smart phones. There are many who are addicted to games that their life has become miserable visiting psychologists. Watching ‘premier leagues’ of various sports is another trap that diminishes productivity.
5) Chit-chat trap: Earlier in magazine and newspapers there were ‘juicy’ news about celebrities that was consumed like hot cakes. This ‘Gossip trap’ is enticing and are like delicious morsels and goes to innermost part. (Proverbs 26:22) It causes ‘indigestion’ in mind (thinking process) and heart.
Have I laid aside unwanted and unwarranted weight as I run my race?