Stephen Covey in his book: Seven habits of highly effective people; writes about a man who was trying to cut a log with a blunt saw. When advised to sharpen the saw, he said: “I do not have time.” Investing few minutes to sharpen the saw could help the wood cutter to cut woods fast, save time and energy. However, he refused stating excuses. Bible says: “If the iron is blunt, and one does not sharpen the edge, he must use more strength, but wisdom helps one to succeed.” (Ecclesiastes 10:10) 1)
1) Vision: There are many people who have broad vision or huge vision, which is generally a blurred vision. For example, some people say: “I want to preach the gospel to all people on this planet.” This is a good statement, desire and aspiration. However, this is not a ‘sharp vision’. Vision should be very specific, like reaching Tamil speaking people in Canada; or prisoners in Thailand; or commercial sex workers in Holland; or Asian university students in England. Sharp vision is specific vision and need specialized efforts to fulfill them. Sharpening of vision takes lot of ‘mind-work’ – thinking, analyzing, researching and planning.
2) Skills: In any profession skill is needed. Ability to do something well or with expertise is termed as skill. For example, using puppet to teach children or illiterate people is a wonderful communication skill. If our vision needs this skill, then it should be obtained by training. Learning typing will enhance or speed up computer usage. Investing few hours for training in typing could save thousands of hours of time saving for lifetime.
Those who do not sharpen their vision and skills will become stagnant. The world will march forward, they would be left behind. Prayerfully, seeking God’s help, grace and wisdom will make us relevant to our context and generation.
Am I a ‘right-fit’ or ‘mis-fit’ servant of the Lord?