The Parable of Prodigal Son is very popular, it has three characters: Father, Younger Son, and Elder Son. The spiritual journey of the Younger that reached low, was restored. (Luke 15:11-32)
Squandered Everything: Younger Son wanted freedom, which was beyond the purview of his father. His father was gracious and generous to give his younger son what he demanded, though it was not a moral or legal requirement. The younger son sold every asset and had cash or gold coins.
Spent Everything: Without a plan or fiscal discipline, he spent everything. Of course, there were fair-weather friends, who enjoyed this hapless young man’s expense. All his cash – gold coins and others were spent.
Severe Famine: Many unpleasant incidents happen around the world as natural disasters, accidents, and human-made disasters. However, God uses those to fulfill His plan and purposes. Without money, and scarcity in the country, the young man had to offer himself as a slave or servant to feed himself. Son, when he left home as a rebel, imagined freedom, but ended up as a slave.
Service to pigs: For Jews, a pig was a polluted animal. Pigs were raised only outside the National borders of Israel. A freedom-seeking young man who lost his identity and dignity was in desperate need.
Severe Need: A young man who lived in luxury and abundance was desperate for a morsel of food. He was longing for fodder given to pigs, and that too was not given.
Spiritual awakening: In distress, the young man introspected his life. Though he walked out of the home but could not step out of his father’s influence. His memory helped him to compare his status away from home. He remembered, repented, and resolved to go home. He became humble to accept the status of a servant in the same home, where he was once a son.
Surrender: His resolve was put into action. He was surprised by the welcome he received from his father, and his confession was never heard but restored to the original status of son.
Do I experience true freedom with the Heavenly Father?