Rev J N Manokaran

Kinds of fear

A small vehicle driver had fever. He was scared and went to a hospital. The swab tests were taken, and the results were awaited. Meanwhile, he thought that he had Covid 19 and he may die. Before the test results came, he died. The test result was negative. Doctor said that he died of fear, […]

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Search the Scripture!

Researchers state that they get involved in studies from various perspectives. There are four perspectives: eagle, crow, cat and fish views. Lord Jesus commanded to search the Scripture as it testifies about Him. (John 5:39) Berean believers were noble as they searched the Scripture. (Acts 17:11) As studious learners, we can learn bible to be

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Fall of three people!

Pride or haughtiness is the reason for downfall of many. (Proverbs 16:8; 18:12) Bible has numerous examples 1) David: God gave him kingship that He called him from being shepherd. (Psalms 78:70-72) God gave him success against Goliath and rescued from Saul who was hell-bent to destroy him. When he enjoyed great power, prestige and

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Pleasing Sacrifice

Priscilla Winter was sixteen-year-old in 1858 when she arrived in India. Though born in India to her Anglican ministers. She grew up in England. In 1857 her brother died in uprising against British rule. She decided to love Indians and serve them. She started her medical work though not trained as medical professional by dispensing

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Jesus Wept

Soldiers have high commitment to their commanders. One soldier said: “I should die as a martyr for my country. In my funeral, the commander should come and place a wreath on my body and drops of tears from his eyes should drench my body. That would be my ultimate desire, dream and accomplishment.” Interesting but

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Sight and vision

One mission leader got sick and lost his sight due to some complication. His family and friends were worried, but he was confident. He made a great statement: “I have lost my sight, but not my vision.” Indeed, it was a stunning statement. Sight is a function of the eyes, it is physical. Vision is

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