Rev J N Manokaran


Sadly, some entertainment professionals have used this beautiful, meaningful, lovely word in demeaning, derogatory and disgusting manner. Christians in India were enraged, upset and angry. There are some words that are globally recognized: Coco Cola; Toyota; Microsoft…etc. The name is not changed, though such names are pronounced will little accent variation. Hallelujah is also known

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Inviting death?

Tainos were the original inhabitants of Caribbean islands. When the Spanish people came to explore new sea routes, they reached there. Dressed in uniform and looking different the peace-loving people invited the soldiers considering them as gods. They showed amazing hospitality and did religious rituals too. Later, these Spanish people enslaved them and destroyed them.

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Confusion about good?

One religious philosopher stated that knowing, understanding and doing what is ‘righteous’ is complicated. According to him, all are ‘relative’ and could not be segregated as just ‘good’ and ‘evil.’ Prophet Isaiah warned: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter

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Crown of Thorns

As kids most of us would have experienced a thorn piercing foot, sometime even through rubber slippers or even shoes while walking in country side. It is sometimes a very prolonged agonizing experience. If one thorn could make us stunned and shocked, how much pain would have been experienced by our Saviour who was compelled

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