January 2022

Prize Eternal

There is an interesting fable. One miser lived in a village, he would calculate each and every action in terms of money and profit. His day-to-day activities were evaluated by cost. The whole villagers nicknamed him as: “Man for profit.” They believed earnestly that he does not do anything without being assured for profit. One […]

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Image of God

A king holding a court to honour a scholar, gave a bag full of gold coins. As the king gave, one coin fell and rolled under the throne of the king. The scholar immediately bent, reached the coin by lying on the floor and retrieved it. The king was embarrassed, “As our guest, you need

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No Entry!

There are sign boards that forbid entry of people. Adam and Eve were denied access to the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:23) God denies access to sinful people into Heaven. Apostle John writes: “Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.” (Revelation

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