June 2021

Sincere Offering

There is an interesting Tamil proverb. Peacocks dances are beautiful during cloudy and rainy days. In contrast turkey is not as colourful or beautiful as a peacock. However, turkey dances imitating peacock. In the same way, people try to imitate others without sense or reason. Ananias and Sapphira were good godly couple. The Jerusalem church […]

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New commandment

One Member of Indian Parliament instructed government officials to identify Christians with the symbol of crosses in their necks (chains, pendants, bracelets, rings) and deny them services or privileges offered by the government. Sadly, the politician did not understand that just external marks are inadequate expressions of Christian faith. The real or true mark of

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Lingering Lot

A well-educated person serving the government was searching for truth. By listening to a testimony, he came to know Lord Jesus Christ as saviour. He became a disciple, attended occasionally church services. However, he never shared his faith with anyone including his wife or children. He was a very passive, dormant and non-influential personality. Sadly,

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Trust or treachery?

One minister serving in the government said to his followers to beat up officials who were not heeding to their grievances. Another said, we are ruling party, the officials and police should do all our bidding. Sadly, there are bureaucrats and police officials who do not uphold law, but uphold unrighteous desires of rulers and

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