Because he murdered his brother in a property dispute, he was arrested and jailed. In the jail he refused non-vegetarian food, stating he was a religious person and did not eat meat. For him, eating meat was a sin, but not his anger, rage, and violent murder. Essentially, Sin is against God’s nature, His Law, and expectations.
Lawlessness: All lawlessness is sin. (I John 3:4) When people think there is no God or inactive god, then they disregard the laws. Such a person behaves as if there is neither God nor His judgment. Not only individuals but even communities, societies, or nations could become lawless. When society approves Sati, the burning of a widow along with her dead husband is lawlessness. During the time of Judges, in Israel, each one did what they thought was right, disregarding the Law of Moses. (Judges 21:25)
All unrighteousness is sin: (I John 5:17) Righteousness is doing what is always right in the sight of God. There is no situational ethics, where a person could behave according to the context. Unrighteousness is injustice. It is a desire to break out of God’s authority, will, standards, and his divine purpose.
Negligence: Sin is to know, understand, and have the capacity to do good, but not do it wilfully. (James 4:17) In other words, lack of stewardship of God’s resources and opportunities.
Evil desire: All manner of evil desire is sin. (Romans 7:8) Like gravity that pulls everything towards the earth, human nature is prone to sin. Hence, Paul writes to put to death the evil desires. (Colossians 3:5-6) A believer has to take up the cross and embrace daily death as a living sacrifice, thus putting to death evil desires. (Matthew 16:24-26; Romans 12:1)
Trespass: Paul writes that believers are made alive, as they were dead in their trespasses. (Ephesians 2:1) It is straying beyond the boundaries or limits or going astray. When an athlete discards the track and runs in the next runner’s track, that is trespass.
Have I repented from sin and accepted the Lord as my saviour?