Rev J N Manokaran

Follow or Flee?

“And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body. And they seized him, but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked.” (Mark 14:51,52) Many scholars believe that the young man was John Mark himself. In the ancient times, the authors leave an anonymous information about themselves. The […]

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Utter wind and Lies

“You should not preach about unreached, missions, sacrifice, cross and suffering. Preach only about blessings. This is Christmas season.” One guest preacher was advised by the leaders of the local church. In fact, they were ‘allergic’ to God’s will, purpose, heart, mission and passion. Mistaken Mission: This phenomenon dictating what God should do is not

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Poor people get subsidized or free rice or wheat. Sometimes, poor people bitterly weep as they are not edible, with dust, chaff, worms and rotten. Not even fit for animals. They feel helpless and hopeless. Can they have stomach full and have a sense of satisfaction? Many are enduring perpetual poverty. There are many kinds

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Areopagus Athens

There was billboard in which a slogan was written: “Jesus is the Answer.” Someone wrote a graffiti: “What is the question?” Evangelism is a spiritual task, an art, a scientific communication, a transforming truth that touches the hearts and minds of people. Gospel should be presented to help people to be attracted to Christ and

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Bed meditations

One psychologist suggested a prescription for a person who could not sleep in the night: “Imagine a big flock of sheep, start counting them one by one, by the time you could 100, you will fall asleep.” There are many who toss in their bed, groaning, lamenting, weeping or feeling uneasy. Prophet Micah writes: “Woe

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Five testimonies!

There are many who ask: How can we know Lord Jesus Christ as the true Lord and Saviour? Even in the first century this doubt lingered in the minds of those who saw Him, received miracle from Him and the religious authorities of Jews. John as the gospel writer, writes his testimony narrating his experiences

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Treacherous Bow

It was an online purchase. The smart phone looked good. With great enthusiasm the new phone was made operational, by transferring data from the old phone. However, the new phone touch screen had problem. Certain points were hyper-sensitive, and others were nil sensitive. When touching a contact for making a call, it goes to someone

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