June 2023

Online frauds

The police, bank and government officials send out awareness messages. “Do not click any link from unknown sources, your money would be stolen.” Yet, many people are losing money to such frauds. There are others who are greedy to multiply the riches. Cunning business people get huge deposits, promising high returns, but people are cheated. […]

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AI gods?

The Ten Commandments clearly forbids worship of humans created gods from any material. (Exodus 20:2-17) Now there are newer gods: digital gods, virtual reality gods in virtual temples, and even AI (Artificial Intelligence) gods who accept pujas and incense. Generally, people want a god with certain characteristics that will benefit them. Dispel Fear: People seek

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Unruly people

There were few unruly students in a college. They never cared to study. Being envious, they mocked, harassed, and even bullied the students who studied well. Even teachers were not spared. Teachers found it difficult to handle classes, where these unruly students were present. As students at this prestigious institute, they brought disrepute to the

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Cost of serving God’s purpose

Loneliness, rejection, stress, distance from family, cross-cultural environment, injustice, and despair could affect a person in multiple ways. Missionaries in difficult contexts endure these. Even biblical personalities had to go through this furnace of affliction. Medical research states, loneliness accelerates the aging process and hastens death. Many saints of God have paid this cost of

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Great Commission Orphans

Migrants, Immigrants, Dispossessed people, Diaspora, undocumented people, refugees, strangers, pilgrims…etc., are common terms in today’s media. In fact, the migrants are visible in the media today. Globally, the migrants who travel in boats from poor or distressed or war-torn countries to developed nations, and many perish during voyage. In India, the Covid lockdown made migrants

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Why not Jonathan?

The Philistines presented a challenge by changing the rules of fight. The representatives of each nation will have one-on-one fights. Giant Goliath was presented as the champion representative of the Philistines and demanded a representative from Israel. (I Samuel 17:1-11) Saul excused himself: King Saul was the tallest person in Israel at that time. (I

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