Rev J N Manokaran

Remain in me

Christian life is not a set of rules or principles or philosophies. It is dynamic intimate relationship with loving Lord Jesus Christ. Generally, Israelite thought they were the vine. Hence, in his conversation with disciples, Lord said, “I am the True Vine.” 1) Abide: He called his disciples to abide in Him. Remain in Lord […]

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Relevance and News

There are some godly people who do not read newspapers or follow news channels. They consider it as a waste of time. Also, they are unconcerned about day-to-day happenings. Such people could not have meaningful conversation with others, especially those of other faiths. They also miss out to understand God’s work in human history. God

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Disastrous Desires!

A Belgian farmer got annoyed with a stone that obstructed his straight path, removed the stone, thus altered border between France and Belgium. (BBC news: 4 May 2021) It was an accident. However, there are others who do for gaining more property. There is a Tamil proverb that states three desires/lusts are dangerous: for money,

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Nebuchadnezzar Paradigm

Psychologists like to analyze the mindset of kings and rulers, especially those who are notorious. They derive many common characteristics, primarily – Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and sociopathy, from their uneventful lives. Nebuchadnezzar was one of those, along with Herod, prince of Tyre and others. They consider themselves as god. 1) Narcissism: Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, which

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Fall of Goliath

There was a popular body builder who got numerous medals and international acclaim. In fact, many youngsters aspired to be like him. It was result of hard work, discipline, robust habits, and healthy diet. He was like a giant like Goliath. However, he was afflicted by corona virus and died at the age of 34.

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Nature of a fool

There are people who consider themselves as wise. Proverbs state that there is more hope for a fool that self-declared wise. (Proverbs 26:12) Fools think that there is no god, because they consider themselves as gods. (Psalms 14:1) There are four aspects of fool. (Proverbs 26:7-11) 1) Wisdom and fool: Teaching wisdom to fools does

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