Rev J N Manokaran

Our fight!

Heraclitus (535 to 475 BC) of Ephesus, Persian Empire wrote about men on the battlefield. ‘Out of a hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but that one is a warrior.” In his […]

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Marvelous mission

Navin Doman Tirkey (Hettakota), Kesho and Bandhu from the village of Chitakuni, and Ghuran of Karanda village, came to meet missionaries in 1850. There were four missionaries from Gossner Mission School, Germany: Fredrich Batsch, Emile Schatz, August Brand and Theodre Janke serving since 1845 in Chota Nagpur region. The missionaries told them that Lord Jesus

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Authentic Witnesses

There are some enthusiastic people who like to witness for the Lord. They use all opportunities, and some create opportunities. In fact, they see open doors in many uncharted areas of evangelism and mission. One such initiative was to write: “Christ is coming soon.” There was one person who was irritated by this and extended

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Reaction to disruptions

On 4 October 2021, there was a technical flaw that led to disruption of social media platforms: WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram for several houses. People around the world who were dependent on their Smartphone enabled social media communications felt bad and sad. There were different kinds of reactions. 1) Frustration: The hyper-connected youngsters who understood

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