Rev J N Manokaran

Knowing Him

There is a movie comedy in which the comedian is caught by police for traffic violation. Instead of paying a fine, he flaunts his connections and names the senior police officer. The cops are taken aback. Then the comedian says: “I know him, but he does not know me.” The cops beat him up in […]

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Alpha and Omega

Lord Jesus Christ stated: “I am the Alpha and Omega.” (Revelation 1:8; 17-18; 21:6-7; Isaiah 44:6; 48:12) ‘I am’ denotes a self-existing God who was not created. Lord Jesus’ title indicates the first and last letters of the Greek language. It means He is the First word and the Final (last, ultimate) word. As Psalmist

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People of Israel were worried about their misfortunes. (Numbers 11:1) They did not focus on Miracle working God but on Moses whom they thought had a magic wand – his staff. Later they wanted leaders to take them back to Egypt. (Number 14:4) Even after the Lord’s glory and power were displayed for them; they

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Consecrated priests

Consecrate means to make it holy or dedicate for higher purpose. For example, a building has to be consecrated to become a church. Consecration is human part, while sanctification is God’s part. It simply means to be interested, focused, and concentrated in what God has called us to do. Jacob commanded his family to remove

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Pride of Moab

Scientists state that there are ten million (1 crore) shades of colours derived from basis eleven colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, gray, black and white. With computer aided help, these could even be multiplied. The basic eleven cannot be altered. Sin is the basic problem of humanity. It is expressed through

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