June 2022

Steadfast in Watchfulness

Being watchful, vigilant and awake are admonitions given to believers often. When believers are not alert and agile, they could be easily deceived. Paul writes: “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.: (Colossians 4:2) In fact, putting being watchful before being thankful. There are many devotees who only offer petitions as prayers.

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Power and Truth?

Crippled man healed: When the crippled man was able to walk, people raised their voices and said in Lycaonian language that gods have come in the likeness of men. Paul was Hermes, while Barnabas was Zeus. Miracles or healing of the crippled man should have led them to Lord Jesus Christ, instead it misled them

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WhatsApp University?

Perhaps, Paul prophetically wrote about this Digital Generation. “Always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” (II Timothy 3:7) Unlike any other previous generation, this generation seems to be actively engaged with people or pictures or games or videos or audios always through their smartphones. They are frequent travellers on

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Destination Heaven?

Four family members walked across the Canada-USA border, trapped in a snow blizzard, and froze to death. (Indian Express, 23 January 2022) They were near the dream land but could not reach their desired destination. There are many who perish drowning in oceans trying to cross the dreamland. Some are smuggled in containers across borders.

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Shipwreck of faith

The most famous shipwreck in history could be the Titanic that was touted as the ‘unsinkable’ ship which hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage and sank. The captain and ship failed and the passengers lost their lives. In the same way a believer can shipwreck his/her faith. Those who fail to navigate stormy weather

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Popularity and Power

People who have authority and power, like to be popular. As Lucifer desired the worship, acclaim and applause of others, some leaders pursued the same. (Isaiah 14:12-14) Haman is a classic example of such power ambitions. He imagined in his mind as a great personality who deserved popularity. Not knowing whom the King Ahasuerus wanted

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Time factor

The wise preacher said: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) He also lists many normal activities. However, the most important time in our life can be termed as the life-defining moment. Many have seen or known or experienced Lord Jesus Christ in a personal manner.

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