October 2023

Commercial Prophets

A self-proclaimed prophet visits a city in India. He calls on the Christian community to receive healing, words of prophecy, and miracles. The fee for each person was Rs. 12000 (Indian rupees twelve thousand only). A grand opening happened in a hotel ballroom. Some anti-social elements barged in claiming that conversion is happening by fraud.

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A brick of gold

There is a proverb in Punjab: Bringing up a child is equal to a brick of gold. It means it is expensive to raise a child. A child needs investment of time, food, energy, care, teaching, training, disciplining…Apart from parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, teachers, neighborhood children…all invest in the child to become a contributing adult

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Throwing garbage

A woman threw garbage on the street though a trash collection bin was nearby. The city municipal laws prohibit such acts that make the city untidy and unhealthy. The sanitary worker who collects garbage and cleans up the road, objects to this, stating that she should put the trash in the can and not on

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