July 2021

Yoke is light!

A small child in the Sunday School gave a brilliant answer about the yoke Lord gives His children. Yoke is laid on the neck of animals. The small girl said: “Lord Jesus puts His arm around our neck, that is the yoke for His children?” Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,

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Partial blindness?

Angels came to rescue Lot and his family from destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, as an answer to prayers of Abraham. (Genesis 18,19) However, the old and young men of city came to Lot’s home to harm the visitors. The angels struck the men with blindness, they groped for the door. Blindness could be judgement

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Sense of Belonging!

Self-esteem movement wanted to give children a high sense of self-esteem and gave such parenting trips. Parents realized that it did not bring any desired result. Later, child psychologists understood that children needed to belong: Known and loved. It is not about what they learn, can do or achieve; but how they are accepted, loved

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Drink Offering

A missionary couple came to a small town. As they observe, they felt these people need education, modern medicine, hygiene and general discipline for progress. They decide to stay there and start a school. Initially the children were not interested. Parents did not want to send girls to school. Literally, they had to bribe (compensate)

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