October 2023

Opposing forces

In Christian life, there will be opposition. Nehemiah faced opposition when he decided to build the wall around Jerusalem and install gates. His amazing life and his achievement in building the Walls around Jerusalem in 52 days, which was in ruins for nearly 150 years, in a hostile environment unparalleled in history. (Nehemiah 6:15) Disturbed […]

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VIP (Very Important Person) culture is practiced in several countries including India. A VIP assumes his/her self-importance and superiority over others that s/he demands special treatment and privileges. Roads may be closed for the VIP to pass through. Students missed their exams, youngsters missed job interviews and patients died in the ambulance. For VIPs, other

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Cure or death?

One elderly person was diagnosed with skin cancer. Doctors suggested prolonged medical treatment, but there was a risk also. His fragile body may not be able to withstand the treatment. However, his wife, children, and other relatives encouraged him to go ahead with the chemotherapy. Sadly, when he had the first dose of medicine, he

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Garden of Gods

In Colorado Springs, there is a beautiful garden that is called ‘The Garden of Gods.’ The Hanging Gardens of Nebuchadnezzar was considered one of the wonders of the ancient world. In the Bible, there are many gardens mentioned. Garden of Eden: The first human couple Adam and Eve were placed in custom-designed, elaborately planned, and

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Lousy food

In a bible college hostel food was served, which was above average. Yet, there were some rich spoiled kids, who considered the food as lousy and would go out in groups to eat in nearby eateries, fast-food places, or restaurants. The Israelites in the wilderness journey also considered the Manna as a lousy food. There

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